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Arctic Age: Why there's been no updates
I just wanted to say, the game is going on a very long pause, so if you wanted to download it, you can. i'm busy with school and i won't resume full time develo...
Arctic Age: Devlog #2
Hello! Sorry for the long time without an update, not that it matters yet. I am still holding strong by my decision to not release any version of the game past...
1 file
Arctic Age: Devlog #1
Today was a great success. I fixed the UI, and the game will be free to download v0.3.0 or Arctic Age. all of the things that I am going to list will also be un...
Arctic Age: The Beginning
Hello! This is my first Devlog, so please be patient, and let me know how to o this better when it comes to format. this devlog is for ARCTIC AGE only, which ca...

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